Tuesday, 14 August 2012

My earnest appeal to the society...

Well. Let me begin this, where all the articles begin! Probably off the topic.
We had heard enough of it. India is a democratic country, with people differing from language, caste, religion, etc., And I forgot to say, we have upper class, middle class and lower class. All these unite to form the society. Because of some discriminations upper class formed the upper class society, middle class formed middle class society and so on. It doesn't matter from which class I am.

Enough of blah blahs... Let's start narrow words! "I am proud to be an Indian!" All are very proud to utter these words. But do you really feel so? Ask yourself when you are calm and silent.

Don't think I am creating a conspiracy on Independence day. I accept our country is the best country in this world, in the words of sacrifice, unity in diversity(?), talented people and pupil, etc. But comparing to other countries, we are lagging very behind in just one thing!
That is proper sanitation.

I can explain what I am going to say with the help of a simple thing. Please do this! Google "streets of western countries". You may find pictures of roads with very good looks. You cannot find a garbage or any wastes anywhere. And also check the photos of bus stations also.
Now next, google "streets of India". No need to describe anything. The pics say all. Why we can't do like other countries? Why our country is like this? People dumping the wastes everywhere. One man dump his house waste near his neighbour's house and the neighbour dumps his waste in the next house and it goes on!

You may say our population is very high, so we can't get good sanitation. If you say these words then you don't know the meaning of the word 'unity'. Why we are not using the proper dustbins?
Take the bus stations! It is the most contaminated place in our country! And if it rains, then that will make it more worse. Bus stand toilets gets filled with rain water and it runs on the road, trying to convert the road transport to river transport! These happen because of lack in maintenance.

Streets! Take a look at it during rainy times. Because of bad roads, water is saved everywhere. These improper things create pollution everywhere water gets polluted, air gets polluted and no doubt our body gets polluted!
While I'm writing this in a nearby tea shop I heard this Bharathiyar song.
"Bharatha samuthayam vazhgave, vazhga vazhga Bharatha samuthayam vazhgave!"
I managed to smile!

When our country will be saved from these dirty things? Its in the people hands well of course it includes me too!

Anyways Happy Independence day! Cheers! :)